What’s Inside


  • Follow well-balanced, Nutritionist designed meals that are personalised to your unique calorie requirements.

    Our Smart Meal Planner gives you complete control over your dietary choices, with the freedom to easily swap your meals and snacks as often as you would like.

    We believe that nutrition is a crucial aspect of any fitness journey, and our program is designed to help you achieve your goals in a sustainable and enjoyable way.

  • Looking to fuel your body for optimal results and achieve your desired body shape? Our app offers an expanding library with 800+ recipes, including gluten-free and vegan options, to cater to all dietary needs and preferences.

    Our recipes are designed to be quick, easy, and full of flavour so that you can enjoy delicious meals without sacrificing your time or taste buds.

    We know that healthy eating can be challenging, which is why we've made it our mission to provide you with tasty and nutritious meals that are easy to prepare.

  • We work closely with you to set and monitor nutrition goals and encourage healthier food choices through habits. Meal photos, macro tracking, meal plans and daily habits—all, easy to track in one single app.

  • We believe that healthy eating doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. That's why we offer a range of well-balanced, Nutritionist-built meal options that are tailored to your individual energy requirements.

    We know that many of our customers have busy schedules, which is why offer quick and easy-to-prepare meals that are perfect for people on the go. You won't have to sacrifice taste or quality for convenience with our delicious and nutritious meal options.

    Whether you're looking to achieve your desired body shape or simply eat more of the foods you love, our meal plans are designed to help you reach your goals. Our Nutritionist-built meal options are packed with the nutrients your body needs to thrive, while still being satisfying and delicious.

    Let us show you how easy and enjoyable healthy eating can be.


  • We will customise your Program based on your Individual needs.

    Your Program is specifically designed to reduce time and maximise effort - perfect for a busy schedule!

  • Our program includes workouts for both the gym and home gym, ensuring that you have access to the tools you need to succeed, no matter your circumstances

  • Confidently train on your own with access to step-by-step instructions and video demonstrations for each exercise, accessed in our easy to use CREATOR App.

  • Our ongoing app access allows you to easily follow the workouts, watch exercise demonstrations, and log your weights, making it easy to stay on track and see the results you want.

  • Our app also features substitutes for any exercise that you cannot perform due to equipment or physical limitations

    Whether you're training at the gym or at home, our program is designed to help you achieve next-level results.

Support & Accountability

  • With our exclusive app, you'll have everything you need to take your fitness journey to the next level. you.

    The best part? You can track your progress in real time, so you can see your results and train with confidence. Our app makes it easy to stay on top of your fitness goals and stay motivated every step of the way.

    With our app, you'll have everything you need to take your fitness to the next level, all in one convenient place.

  • Our weekly reflection tool is designed to help you learn from the past week and set small focuses to stay on track towards success.

    With our weekly reflection tool, you'll be able to track your progress and gain valuable insights into what's working and what's not.

    Let us help you drive your transformation and achieve your health and wellness goals. With our weekly reflection tool and personalized guidance, you'll be empowered to make lasting changes and live your best life.

  • Our App integrates with MyFitnessPal, Fitbit, Apple Watch, Apple Health & Garmin, so you can monitor your progress more holistically .

  • Your path to transformation is as unique as you are.

    With our support calls, you'll never feel lost or alone on your journey. Our experienced coaches are here to answer your questions, provide guidance, and offer the support you need to stay motivated and accountable.

  • With the ability to seek guidance whenever you need it, you'll gain confidence in your choices and actions, knowing you have a trusted expert by your side.

What does CREATOR specifically help me with?

Are you ready to step into a future filled with newfound strength, vitality, and clarity on your health and wellness journey?

Our framework is your roadmap to embracing life with energy, laser-focused determination, and a deep sense of connection.

Here's a glimpse of what you'll gain:

✔️ Self-Trust and Confidence: Discover how to build unwavering trust in yourself and cultivate the self-confidence necessary for success.

✔️ Balanced Nutrition: Achieve your desired body shape without saying goodbye to your favorite foods. It's about balance, not deprivation.

✔️ Physical Vitality: Experience the benefits of personalised training plans and step-by-step instructions, helping you feel stronger and more energetic.

✔️ Nutritional Knowledge: Navigate the world of nutrition with results-based meal plans and an extensive library of nutritionist-designed recipes.

✔️ Mindful Living: Incorporate stress management tools into your daily routine to find balance and peace.

Our program is crafted to empower you at any stage of your journey. With our guidance and support, you can create a life that you not only love, but also thrive in.

But, don't take our word for it!

Check out some results from our recent clients...

“After completing the 6 month program I have found the unlock I was looking for.

I feel calmer, more connected to the world around me and fulfilled in many moments, both big and small. In relation to physical health, with the eating and training plan I lost 10kg's in the first 12 weeks. This result is achievable from many offerings, but the difference with this program is the holistic view.

I understand my capacity (mental and physical) and adjust the programming to work with me, giving me a sustainable path forward. When I started the program one of the outcomes I was seeking was to find the calm, there was so much noise in my head, work, kids, family, logistics, projects, renovations etc. It is easy to focus on the external world, but through the program we started from the inside out and I have learnt so much about myself.”

— Stewart

“I have been in and around gyms my whole life and I’ve never had a problem with weight until I had my first child. I struggled with trying different Diets to drop the weight but couldn’t execute consistently on it.

I’m so glad I had the privilege to work with CREATOR Lifestyle. Their system and app made it easy to be consistent.

Pierre was there every step of the way for me and his support was amazing. Since working with Pierre, I have a better understanding of what I can do with diet and exercises to get the results I want.

I have lost 7kgs since working with Pierre and have visible abs again :)

But for me the best thing about this all is that I feel confident in my skin again and confident that I have a mapped pathway that will allow results to flow for the foreseeable future now.

I’m very grateful. Thank you Pierre.”

— Adam

Hi! We’re the Team behind CREATOR

Two people who love helping people.

  • As co-founder of CREATOR Lifestyle, Tamara brings over 10 years of experience in People & Culture Leadership, along with a background in Coaching and Holistic Human Development.

    “With a deep passion for helping people on their body shape and confidence journey, I understand first-hand what it feels like to struggle with self-doubt and unhealthy behaviours.

    After spending much of my life feeling like I wasn't "good enough" and lacking confidence in my body, I found the right support and framework to completely shift my mindset towards health, wellness, and ultimately, life.

    Making physical health and mental wellness my highest priority, I gave myself the time and attention I deserved, and gained an understanding of myself on a much deeper level.

    With this newfound understanding, I stepped away from the corporate world to study Holistic Human Development, and have since dedicated my career to helping others on their own self-discovery journey.

    Combining many years of practice in facilitation and coaching and my personal results in body shape change and increased confidence, I am deeply passionate about helping others make small daily changes to rebuild their confidence, restore harmony, and feel happier and create a more fulfilled life for themselves.”

  • Co-Founder

    Pierre is a Health and Fitness professional with a strong background in Personal Training, Coaching and Massage Therapy.

    “After 15 years training myself and 10 years as a personal trainer, getting great "surface level" results in the gym with clients and personally but still noticing the lack of fulfilment in clients lives (and my own) I found myself going on a different journey. A journey for deeper understanding and greater self awareness.

    5 years later and many more tools acquired, with a solid connection to my personal fulfilment on my life path, it is my passion to teach others to connect with their needs and learn to first see then let go of what is holding them back from being on the path to a life lived with fulfilment.

    That's why we call this "CREATOR" because we are the creator of our path, we must just connect with what we want to create and choose to stay on the path.”

Got Questions?

  • If you want to eat, move, feel and live better with a structured Training and Eating Plan that is built around you and your life, this is for you.

  • After we determine if you are the right fit for our Program, you will fill out a variety of questionnaires specific to your training and food preferences. We will build your training program and calculate your optimal calorie intake, structuring the meal plans to your lifestyle.

    We meet you where you are at and collaboratively design your program.

  • We will customise your Program based on your Individual needs.

    Our Gym program is built for a fully-equipped gym, complete with barbells, weight and pin loaded machines, as well as cables and bands.

    If you prefer to train at home, you will need dumbbells (ideally adjustable or with a range of different weights), short and long bands and Fit ball.

    Our app also features substitutes for any exercise that you cannot perform due to equipment or physical limitations, ensuring that you can still achieve your fitness goals even if you don't have access to all the necessary equipment.

    Whether you're training at the gym or at home, our program is designed to help you achieve next-level results.

  • The program will be designed around you and your needs.

    Each training phase is 4 weeks long and consists of workouts targeting the full body.

    A variety of exercises, rep schemes, tempo, and intensity techniques will be utilised each month to keep things new and exciting while ensuring progression in the gym.

    We also include HIIT sessions for those who want to give themselves an extra push when it comes to cardio.

  • You get iOS and Android app access for the duration of your Program.

    With access to your Training Program, Meal Plan (and tracking ) and progress measurement.

    That means you will never lose access to your progress data and you will be able to adjust your meal preferences as often as you need!

  • We will work with you to set your individual calories for your goals and set them for you! Choose to lose fat, build, or maintain and use flexible dieting to eat a healthy and balanced diet.

    You will be given access to our Smart Meal Planner where you can access a full library of meal options that you can swap as often as you would like.

  • 1:1 support calls are designed to help you build awareness, alignment, and momentum.

    Our experienced coaches will work closely with you to uncover your unique strengths, values, and goals, and help you develop a personalized plan for success. We'll help you overcome obstacles and create positive momentum towards achieving your goals.

    Our approach is designed to be transformative, helping you break through limiting beliefs and tap into your full potential. With our support, you'll gain the clarity and confidence you need to make lasting changes.

    Don't settle for anything less than the life you deserve. Let us help you unlock your true potential and achieve your goals.

  • We're committed to supporting you on your journey towards peak physical health, resilient mental wellness, and lifestyle fulfillment. We understand that the road to transformation can be challenging, and that's why we offer round-the-clock support to all of our clients.

    Whether you have questions, need extra guidance, or just need someone to talk to, your Coach is here for you. With our text support, you can reach out to us anytime, anywhere, and receive the help you need to stay on track and achieve your goals.

Take the first step to Create Lasting Change

If you want to lose weight, be healthier, and still enjoy life, this is for you.

Want more info? Click the button below and we’ll get you all the details.

Your journey to a better you starts here!

Follow us for all things health, lifestyle and mindset with tips on how to lose weight, live healthier and enjoy life.