We help you look and feel your best, for good.

Get your free copy of ‘Eating for Fat Loss’

How to guarantee fat loss - while eating what you want.

The CREATOR Model is Simple

Inspiring your path to become the CREATOR of your health and happiness.

Health, Lifestyle, and Mindset are the key parts of looking and feeling your best.

When you know how to connect with your own version of HEALTH, align your actions with your dream LIFESTYLE and master your MINDSET, you will have all the tools necessary to create the lasting change you dream of and deserve. Our service is designed to help you with those three elements, using our personal strategies and tools.

‘Eating for Fat Loss’

Free Training: How to guarantee fat loss - while eating what you want.

This training shares proven tactics that are work. And it’s easy to follow. There are step-by-step instructions to help you “get” the entire system we personally use.

Guilt-Free Takeaway Alternatives

Free Download: Get access to this Recipe Pack with homemade alternatives, so you can enjoy the delicious flavours of takeaway food without the guilt.

2 Day Training Program

Free Download: Get access to our 2 Day Gym Training Program to get you training confidently now.

Our Service

Guided Health & Wellness with 1:1 Coaching

For those craving lasting change.

If you've been feeling stuck or haven't seen the progress you desire, our Transformational coaching program provides personalised support and a comprehensive understanding of the principles that drive transformation.

  • “Pierre, thank you so much for everything. I couldn’t do this journey without you. You started as a coach and have become someone I can confidently call a brother from another mother. You have a genuine concern towards me, not only just as a client but are equally invested if not more in achieving the goals we set out, what’s even more amazing is you do all this from over 800kms away!! For anyone looking to get into shape and have a balanced lifestyle, I couldn’t recommend Creator Lifestyle Coaching enough. “


  • “I have been in and around gyms my whole life and I’ve never had a problem with weight until I had my first child. I struggled with trying different Diets to drop the weight but couldn’t execute consistently on it.

    I’m so glad I had the privilege to work with Pierre. His system and app made it easy to be consistent.

    Pierre was there every step of the way for me and his support was amazing. Since working with Pierre, I have a better understanding of what I can do with diet and exercises to get the results I want.

    I have lost 7kgs since working with Pierre and have visible abs again :)

    But for me the best thing about this all is that I feel confident in my skin again and confident that I have a mapped pathway that will allow results to flow for the foreseeable future now.

    I’m very grateful. Thank you Pierre.”

    — Adam

  • “I personally trained with Pierre for over 9 years.

    My results speak for themselves, I lost the weight I wanted and changed my body shape, I'd continue to enjoy the success.

    Not only does Pierre keep my motivation up, my interest levels high, he is consistently challenging me to achieve my personal goals. Pierre has educated me on food and how it helps my body achieve the results I want, but also his passion for sharing the small and vital steps to success are amazing.

    I highly recommend Pierre and encourage you to take the step and connect with him, whatever your life commitments Pierre will find a solution to get you heading towards your success.”


  • "Working with Tamara has not only completely shifted my habits surrounding food and fitness but also provided me with incredibly valuable knowledge that has given me access to life changing habits in my day-to-day life.

    Tamara is so understanding and empathetic, giving you guidance and words of motivation the whole way along!

    After only a short amount of time working alongside her I noticed more energy, a much healthier digestive system (courtesy of the delicious meal options she provides!), and positive changes in my strength and weight.

    If you're in need of direction and someone to lead the way on your health and fitness journey Tamara is absolutely the coach you need!”


  • "Pierre I genuinely can't thank you enough, I feel blessed to have you as my guide on this journey and working together is effortless.

    I have never had a relationship where there are no boundaries and I feel fully heard and understood -it is rare and I value it so highly. This also happened over the phone whilst we are on different sides of the planet!”


  • "I have trained and followed eating plans before under the guidance of PT’s and achieved some amazing results, but Tamara has a way of helping you include it in your way of life.

    She shows knowledge along with grace and compassion which encourages you to believe in yourself to make it a lifestyle.”


  • "I genuinely feel like a calmer person and take more opportunities to have fun and do the things that fill my cup up.

    Pierre has given me a better understand of recognising what is truly important to me. He has helped me work towards a place that I can be kinder to myself and aware of how I am feeling.

    I enjoy the approach of progress over perfection, and he helps highlight this which again motivates me and has impacted on my overall well being.”


  • "Thank you so much for your support Tamara and holding my hand through each step.

    Tamara is always available if you have a questions, but everything was easy explained and recipes are provided, food was very tasty.

    Tamara is very easy to talk to, and I felt very supported though whole program.

    Exercise wise i have learned few tricks how to help my body keep losing weight.

    I am very pleased with my results and definitely happy to incorporate what I have learned into my busy lifestyle.”


  • “Pierre genuinely cares and will go the extra mile to make sure you achieve your goals.

    For those that want to go deeper, Pierre can also help you explore the reasons you haven’t achieved your goals in the past and help you get there in the future. His holistic approach to health and well-being is a unique offering that can help you make significant and lasting changes.

    Working with Pierre helped me to prioritise looking after my health. We designed a program that was flexible and efficient and fit within my weekly routine. With regular exercise 3 days a week I saw a noticeable change not only in my appearance but also in my general well-being. My back pain reduced and I felt more comfortable doing every day physical tasks.”


  • “Unlike many other fitness and wellbeing coaches, Tamara provides so much more than just nutrition and training coaching and instead focuses on the bigger picture.

    For the first time in many years, I am back on track, and Tamara has played a key role in this development. She has positively altered my mindset and approach to my health and mental wellness journey, and provided constant support and encouragement throughout. She really has your back!

    She is passionate and knowledgeable about her craft, practises what she preaches, and is incredibly generous with her time and advice. My only wish is that I had acquired her services many years ago!

    Tamara has my highest recommendation.”


  • "I was introduced to Pierre when I had problems with my knees and the specialist advised that the muscles around my knees were imbalanced and needed to have specific strengthening exercises.

    Skip forward 5 years and I went from someone who could not sit, walk or run without pain to someone who has run multiple ultra-trail marathons and also completed a 100km ultra trail event in the Blue mountains.

    Pierre and his vast experience in weight training and mobility not only played a huge part in my rehabilitation but also instilled a love for weight training and excellent personal mobility habits which are key for anyone as they get older.

    Over our time together I not only learnt a huge amount from Pierre about exercise ,but also our conversation about Mental health were extremely rewarding.

    My life is certainly for the better from our time together."


  • “I was very fortunate to have Tamara as a mentor for almost two years.

    Tamara is deeply dedicated to helping people improve.

    Her coaching has made a positive impact on both my professional and personal life. She is encouraging patient, understanding and open-minded.

    An all-round gem to have in your life/workplace.”


  • “I cannot express enough how transformative my experience has been with Pierre as my Health & Wellness Coach. From the moment I started working with him, I knew I was in capable hands.

    What sets Pierre apart is his holistic approach to Coaching. He didn't just focus on physical fitness; he also provided invaluable support and guidance in my business and personal life. His motivational pep talks and genuine interest in my overall well-being were instrumental in keeping me on track, not only in the gym but also in life's various challenges.

    Pierre is not just a personal trainer; he is a mentor, motivator, and a source of unwavering knowledge and support. Thanks to him, I've not only achieved my fitness goals but also gained valuable insights into maintaining a balanced and successful life.

    I wholeheartedly recommend Pierre to anyone seeking a transformative personal training experience that goes beyond the physical, and I am incredibly grateful for the positive impact he has had on my life.”


About us

Who's behind CREATOR? Two people who love helping people.

  • As co-founder of CREATOR Lifestyle, Tamara brings over 10 years of experience in People & Culture Leadership, along with a background in Coaching and Holistic Human Development.

    “With a deep passion for helping people on their body shape and confidence journey, I understand first-hand what it feels like to struggle with self-doubt and unhealthy behaviours.

    After spending much of my life feeling like I wasn't "good enough" and lacking confidence in my body, I found the right support and framework to completely shift my mindset towards health, wellness, and ultimately, life.

    Making physical health and mental wellness my highest priority, I gave myself the time and attention I deserved, and gained an understanding of myself on a much deeper level.

    With this newfound understanding, I stepped away from the corporate world to study Holistic Human Development, and have since dedicated my career to helping others on their own self-discovery journey.

    Combining many years of practice in facilitation and coaching and my personal results in body shape change and increased confidence, I am deeply passionate about helping others make small daily changes to rebuild their confidence, restore harmony, and feel happier and create a more fulfilled life for themselves.”

  • Co-Founder

    Pierre is a Health and Fitness professional with a strong background in Personal Training, Coaching and Massage Therapy.

    “After 15 years training myself and 10 years as a personal trainer, getting great "surface level" results in the gym with clients and personally but still noticing the lack of fulfilment in clients lives (and my own) I found myself going on a different journey. A journey for deeper understanding and greater self awareness.

    5 years later and many more tools acquired, with a solid connection to my personal fulfilment on my life path, it is my passion to teach others to connect with their needs and learn to first see then let go of what is holding them back from being on the path to a life lived with fulfilment.

    That's why we call this "CREATOR" because we are the creator of our path, we must just connect with what we want to create and choose to stay on the path.”

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for all things health, lifestyle and mindset with tips on how to look and feel your best, live healthier and enjoy life.